Report Water Wasters Online Form Please fill out the following information to report water wasters. Your information will be kept confidential. Address of problem (e.g. 1234 Main Street)* Invalid Input Cross Street* Invalid Input Date (mm/dd/yy) Invalid Input Time Invalid Input Type of Water Waste* Select oneWater being used for landscaping 48 hours after measurable rainfallWater running off of property due to landscape irrigationBroken irrigation systems causing wasted waterWashing down hardscapeWatering landscape without a positive shut-off device on the hoseCompletely filling or re-filling of swimming pools not associated with pool repairWater provided by a restaurant without it being requestedOther Invalid Input Please describe the Water Waste* Invalid Input Please provide a photo showing the waste. No videos accepted, photos only. Invalid Input OPTIONAL Please contact me about this submission yesno Invalid Input Your Name Invalid Input Your Email address Invalid Input Contact Phone # Invalid Input Help us fight spam* Invalid Input Submit