Ordinance Prohibiting Wasteful Use of Water
On August 18, 2021, the North Coast County Water District Board of Directors adopted Ordinance No. 61, an ordinance establishing rules and regulations prohibiting wasteful use of water and providing for enforcement. Below is a summary of the new restrictions:
- Potable water shall not be used to water outdoor landscapes in a manner that causes more than incidental runoff into non-irrigated areas, walkways,
roadways, parking lots, or other hard surfaces. - Hoses shall be equipped with a shut-off nozzle for washing vehicles, sidewalks, walkways, or buildings.
- Ornamental fountains or other decorative water features shall only use recirculated water or recycled water.
Potable water shall not be applied in any manner to any driveway, sidewalk, or other hard surface except when necessary to address immediate health and safety concerns.
Potable water shall not be applied to outdoor landscapes during and within 48 hours after rainfall measuring one-tenth of one inch in a 24-hour period. Measurement to be taken at District Office located at 2400 Francisco Blvd, Pacifica. Check Daily Rainfall Measurement Here
Potable water shall not be used to irrigate ornamental turf on public street medians.
Restaurants and other food service operations shall serve water to customers only upon request.
Customers are obligated to fix leaks, breaks, or malfunctions in lines, fixtures, or facilities. Loss or escape of water through breaks, leaks, or malfunctions in the water user's plumbing, distribution, or irrigation system is prohibited for any period time after such leak, break, or malfunction should have reasonably been discovered and corrected. Leaks, breaks, or malfunctions must be corrected in no more than five days of District notification. The District, at its sole discretion, may temporarily shut off service if unable to contact the account holder on record.
Hotels and motels shall provide guests with the option of choosing not to have towels and linens laundered daily, and the hotel or motel shall prominently display notice of this option in each guest room using clear and easily understood language.
Single-pass cooling systems on new construction shall not be allowed.
- Recreational water features shall be covered when not in use.
Report Water Waste
To report water waste, send the District an anonymous message here.
For questions regarding these restrictions, please call the District office at (650) 355-3462.